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Writing Program Targets

When you write targets for a program, there are some points you have to keep in mind. Using these points will help you get your programs done and make your plans a reality.

One point is that the first target in a program has to be a production target. This type of target sets quantities of things, usually against time. An example of a production target would be “All acceptance letters mailed out to next fall’s students by April 15.”

But even though the first target has to be a production target, you can’t actually write a production target all by itself. The reason for this is that somebody would have to do the target. And as soon as you have somebody there to do it, you have started to organize things. So some organization has to be there right at the start.

For example, for the production target above, let’s say there is only one person right now who could do the job of mailing out acceptance letters, but you know that it will take a couple more people to get all the letters mailed out by April 15. So you would have to add a target on the program to get two more people to also work on mailing these letters.

Thus, the first target would actually be for whoever is there right now to start getting letters written and mailed out. And the second target would be to put more people on this job. Otherwise the production would not continue.

So there has to be immediate organization that will bring about production.

Targets should be terminable (doable, finishable and completable).

Sometimes you may see a target written so that it is not actually terminable. This usually occurs because such a target does not give a specific action that someone can do.

A target like “Maintain friendly relations with the environment (area)” does not get a person to carry out an action, so it isn’t terminable.

Now, if the target said something like “Visit Mrs. Smith and Mr. Jones and tell them about…” and so forth, that is an action that can be DONE.

Targets should be terminable—doable, finishable and completable. Your programs will have a better chance of accomplishing what you want them to do when the targets on the program can be completed.

Having learned the types of targets and how to write them, you can now put these targets together and write entire programs.

Below you will find two sample programs. They include the various target types that make up a standard program. They also show how the targets are organized to connect with each other and to be in the correct sequence.

Each sample program has a specific purpose. With the first program, you will learn how targets are used and how to do a program. With the second program, you will learn about production.

By doing these two programs, one target at a time, you will see how the step-by-step arrangement of targets makes the actions easy and workable. You will also see the various types of targets and how they work together.

Once you’ve completed them, you will then be able to write and carry out your own programs. That will clearly show you how you can accomplish your goals and purposes.

Sample Program #1

Purpose: To learn how targets are used and how to do a program.

Major Target: To get it done.

Primary Target:

1. Read this program through once and then do each target.

Vital Targets:

1. Be honest about doing this.

2. Do all of it.

3. Check off each one when done.

Operating Targets:

1. Take off your right shoe. Look at the sole. Note what’s on it. Put it back on.

2. Go get a drink of water.

3. Take a sheet of paper. Draw on it three concentric circles (circles that are drawn one inside the other and that share the same center). Turn it face down. Write your name on the back. Tear it up and put the scraps in a book.

4. Take off your left shoe. Look at the sole. Note what’s on it. Put it back on.

5. Go find someone and say hello. Return and write a message to yourself noting how they received it.

6. Take off both shoes and bang the heels together three times and put them back on.

7. Write a list of projects in your life that you have left incomplete or not done at all.

8. Write why this was.

9. Check this program carefully to make sure you have honestly done it all.

10. List your realizations, if any, while doing this program.

11. Decide whether you have honestly done this program.

Sample Program #2

Purpose: To learn about production.

Major Target: To actually produce something.

Primary Targets:

1. Get a pencil and five sheets of paper.

2. Sit somewhere so you can do this program.

Vital Targets:

1. Read an operating target and be sure to do it all before moving on.

2. Actually produce what’s called for.

Operating Targets:

1. Look very busy without actually doing anything.

2. Do it again, but this time be very convincing (get someone to believe that something is true).

3. Work out the product of your job or activity. Get help from another person as needed.

4. Straighten up the papers on your desk.

5. Take the first sheet of paper as per the above primary targets. Write whether or not No. 4 was production.

6. Find a paper or message that doesn’t contribute in any way to your getting out your own product.

7. Answer it.

8. Take the second sheet called for in the primary target. Write on it why the action in step 7 is perfectly reasonable.

9. Take the third sheet of paper and draw out how you receive communication on your job or activity.

10. Get out one correct product for your job, complete, of high quality.

11. Deliver it.

12. Review the operating targets to see which one made you feel best.

13. Take the fourth sheet of paper and write down whether or not production is the basis of morale (the mental and emotional attitude of an individual or a group and the amount of enthusiasm they show for the activity they are involved in).

14. Take the fifth sheet of paper, use it for a cover sheet and write a summary of the program.

15. Realize you have completed a program.

NOTE: In order to continue, you must complete all previous steps in this course. Your last incomplete step is
NOTE: You had several answers that were incorrect. In order to continue, you should re-read the article and then test your understanding again.