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authoritarianism: the system or practice involving complete obedience to or belief in authority or experts, without asking questions or evaluating information for oneself.

avowedly: in a way that is openly stated or acknowledged.

behavior: the way a person or thing behaves or acts in response to a situation or to other people.

boost: an increase in amount, power, etc.

cabal: secret plotting or scheming.

capricious: behaving in an unpredictable and not always reasonable way.

catch on: see and understand what is happening.

chronic: lasting for a long time or recurring often.

Clear: a person who is not aberrated. He is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint. This is achieved through clearing, releasing all the physical pain and painful emotion from the life of an individual. See the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

comm: short for communication, the exchange of ideas between people.

constancy: sexual loyalty and faithfulness to one’s husband or wife.

depository illness: an illness or condition in which deposits (layers of a substance that gradually form on a surface) of material are formed on some part of the body, for example, arthritis where hardened pieces of cartilage (a substance similar to bone) form in the joints, causing swelling and deformity.

dynamics: the eight urges (drives, impulses) to survive in life. These are urges for survival as or through (1) self; (2) sex, the family and the future generation;
(3) groups; (4) Mankind; (5) life, all organisms; (6) matter, energy, space and time, the physical universe; (7) spirits; and (8) infinity or the Supreme Being.

endocrine: involving or relating to the system of glands that produce hormones (chemical substances) in the body. These glands (special organs or groups of cells) and their hormones control the growth, development and function of some tissues and coordinate many processes within the body. For example, some of these glands increase blood pressure and heart rate during times of stress.

engram: a mental image picture which is a recording of a time of physical pain and unconsciousness. It must by definition have impact or injury as part of its content.

entheta: enturbulated theta (theta in a turbulent, agitated or disturbed state). Theta is the energy of thought and life. It is reason, serenity, stability, happiness, cheerful emotion, persistence and the other factors which Man ordinarily considers desirable.

entheta lines: entheta communication lines, lines which are vicious or slanderous (saying false and malicious statements about someone that damage his reputation).

enthusiasm: a feeling of excitement about something and eagerness to be involved in it.

enturbulate: make someone agitated or upset.

environ: one’s surroundings, including all space, objects, living things and forces around him.

ethics: principles about what is proper, moral or rational that guide one’s choices and actions with regard to oneself and other people.

factor: one of the things that affect the way something happens or whether it happens.

flighty: given to sudden whims (sudden or odd desires); not taking things seriously; frivolous (lacking seriousness) or irresponsible.

invalidate: say, do or imply something that makes a person appear to be wrong or feel less confident in his own abilities.

neurological: relating to the nerves and the nervous system.

pattern: the repeated or regular way in which something happens or is done.

perversion: 1. any of various means of obtaining sexual gratification that are generally regarded as abnormal. 2. a turning aside from truth or right; diversion to an improper use.

physiology: the way that the physical processes of one’s body work.

pity: sorrow felt for another’s suffering or misfortune.

positive suggestion: a suggestion or command that is given to a hypnotized person who then obeys it without realizing it.

predict: say or work out what is going to happen.

reality: that which appears to be. Reality is fundamentally agreement. What we agree to be real is real.

slipshod: done in a careless, sloppy way.

solidity: the state or quality of being solid (hard or firm).

stuck: fixed in a particular condition or position, etc., and unable to move or be moved.

sublimated: changed into something regarded as higher, nobler or more refined.

sustenance: the food and drink that people need to be healthy and strong.

theta: the energy of thought and life. Theta is reason, serenity, stability, happiness, cheerful emotion, persistence and the other factors which Man ordinarily considers desirable.

tolerate: experience something easily or comfortably.

Tone Scale: a scale of emotional tones which shows the levels of human behavior. These tones, ranged from the highest to the lowest, are, in part, Enthusiasm, Conservatism, Boredom, Antagonism, Anger, Covert Hostility, Fear, Grief and Apathy.

trance: put in a trance or hypnotic condition. A trance (also called hypnotic trance) is a state, as induced by hypnosis, in which somebody is dazed or stunned or in some other way not fully aware of the present environment.

vacillation: the action of alternating or wavering in mind or opinion; indecision.