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Use of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are given to a person who is drying out (coming off drugs) to make it possible for him to come off drugs with the least possible discomfort.

The vitamins and minerals used and the amounts of each are listed below. They are given in exact amounts.

In what follows, IU stands for International Unit, a measurement for the amount of a substance such as a vitamin.

1,000 milligrams of niacinamide

5,000 IU of vitamin A

400 IU of vitamin D

800 IU of vitamin E

2,000 milligrams of vitamin C

500 milligrams of magnesium carbonate

25 milligrams of B6

200 milligrams of B complex

300 milligrams of B1

100 milligrams of pantothenic acid

It is important that niacinamide be used, not nicotinic acid (which is also known as niacin).

The vitamins and minerals above should be given four times a day, roughly every six hours, for the whole time a person is coming off drugs.

They are given together, that is, all at the same time.

They should not be taken on an empty stomach as this could cause stomach burn. They should be taken after meals or, if taken between meals, with yogurt.

They can be given with milk containing powdered amino acids to wash them down.

The above information is provided because the vitamins and minerals must be given in a way that will not corrode the stomach. To corrode means to wear away gradually.

The vitamins should be in “enteric coated” tablets, meaning that an intestinal shielding must be on the pills so they dissolve gradually. This helps protect the stomach.

If the vitamins and minerals are given without food or yogurt as described above, the person can (a) feel too full after eating, (b) have a stomachache, (c) have a burning sensation, (d) the outside of the stomach can get sore.

If the above instructions are followed, none of the (a) to (d) sensations should occur. If the person complains of them, stop giving the vitamins and minerals. Aluminum hydroxide tablets chewed up and swallowed in milk each time the sensations start will ease the stomach. Powdered amino acids, yogurt and milk must then be given until the stomach gets better. The vitamins and minerals can then be resumed.

The discomforts and pains of withdrawal are the main reason for failure in trying to get a person off drugs. The benefits of the vitamins and minerals during the dry out are far greater than any possible drawbacks.

Calcium and Magnesium

Giving the person the minerals calcium and magnesium also helps with withdrawal.

A person trying to get through withdrawal without any assistance can experience convulsions (violent shaking of the body and limbs), spasms (sudden, unexpected movements of a muscle that make it become tight and painful) and very bad nervous reactions.

Spasms can be brought about by a lack of calcium. Drug use reduces the amount of calcium in the body.

Nervous reactions can occur from lack of magnesium. Magnesium smooths out the nerves and is beneficial in preventing sore muscles.

Calcium does not easily go into solution in the body and the body does not use it unless it is in an acid. A method was therefore found to get calcium into solution in the body along with magnesium. This was done by adding vinegar, which provides the necessary acid.

The beneficial results of both minerals could then be achieved.

The solution that is used is called the “Cal-Mag Formula.” Cal-Mag provides the minerals calcium and magnesium that are certain to be deficient in a person who has been a drug user. It has been found very effective in helping to handle the muscular spasms and nervous reactions that can occur as a result of drug withdrawal.

The ingredients of the Cal-Mag Formula are listed below to help you make sure that you have the correct type of ingredient in the correct amounts.

The formula uses one part elemental magnesium to two parts elemental calcium, mixed with vinegar in water. By elemental is meant uncombined with other chemicals.

The formula uses the following compounds: calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate. A compound is a number of different substances that have been combined together.

Both compounds come in white, powdery form. Each is made up of different substances. Calcium gluconate contains other substances besides calcium; it is not all pure calcium, but contains only a percentage of pure elemental calcium. Similarly, magnesium carbonate contains other substances besides magnesium and includes only a percentage of pure elemental magnesium.

Having the correct amount of elemental magnesium and the correct amount of elemental calcium is very important in the preparation of the Cal-Mag Formula. But you do not use pure magnesium or pure calcium when you make Cal-Mag. Use only calcium gluconate and magnesium carbonate.

Cal-Mag is given to a person who is drying out along with the vitamins and minerals described earlier. (It does not have to be given at the same time.)

Magnesium Carbonate

The correct magnesium compound for Cal-Mag is called magnesium carbonate basic. It contains about 26 percent magnesium. (This compound is sometimes called magnesium alba.)

There are different magnesium compounds with different percentages of elemental magnesium, but using any other kind than recommended here will give differing amounts of magnesium and will not provide the correct amounts. It should be one-half the amount of magnesium to the amount of calcium.

It is magnesium carbonate basic which is used in making Cal-Mag. It is essential to ensure that the magnesium carbonate basic which is used is fresh, not old, and is “light” powder not “heavy.”

Calcium Gluconate

There is only one kind of calcium gluconate compound and 9 percent of that compound is calcium. So you should have no difficulty selecting the correct calcium gluconate compound for the Cal-Mag.

The ingredients can be obtained in most health food stores or where vitamins are sold.

To prepare Cal-Mag:

  1. Put 1 level tablespoon (15 ml) of calcium gluconate in a normal-sized glass.
  2. Add ½ level teaspoon (2.5 ml) of magnesium carbonate.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of cider vinegar (at least 5 percent acidity).
  4. Stir it well.
  5. Add ½ glass (about 120 ml) of boiling water and stir until all the powder is dissolved and the liquid is clear. (If this doesn’t occur, it could be from poor quality or old magnesium carbonate.)
  6. Fill the remainder of glass with lukewarm or cold water and cover.

The solution will keep for up to two days.

You can make larger quantities at one time by multiplying all the ingredients as needed.

It can be made wrongly so that it does not dissolve. Differences from the above produce an unsuccessful mix that can taste pretty horrible.

(Note, again, that one part elemental magnesium to two parts elemental calcium is required. If one wants to work this out precisely, one can work out the elemental amounts. The formula above has been given for the compound amounts.)

From one to three glasses of this a day, with or after meals, replaces any tranquilizer. It does not produce the drugged effects of tranquilizers.

Many health food stores carry premixed preparations of calcium and magnesium. Before using any of these in place of Cal-Mag, one should read the label to see if the calcium and magnesium are given in correct proportions and to check if it contains acid (such as ascorbic acid or citric acid). Otherwise, such preparations are worthless and will not give the same results as the Cal-Mag Formula.

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