The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation
The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation is a chart you can use to precisely evaluate (determine the quality, worth or meaning of) human behavior and predict what a person will do.
People have always wanted to be able to better understand other people in their lives. Now, with the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation, you can more clearly understand other people and also predict their future actions and behavior.

The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. (Download as one large page or multiple pages for printing.)
This chart shows the characteristics of a person at each level of the Tone Scale. Characteristics are the various ways someone looks or behaves that help you to recognize him. They are things you can directly observe in a person or his actions, including the following examples:
His level of ethics (principles about what is right and wrong)
His responsibility
His persistence on a given course (the ability to continue to do something even though you have problems doing it)
His handling of truth
The tones on the scale run from the top to the bottom of the chart. On the left column of the chart are numbers to help you remember each tone level. Each tone level can be referred to by its number alone. For example, you could say a person is at 3.5 (Strong Interest) or at 1.5 (Anger).
Across the top of the chart, from left to right, are the characteristics that you can observe in people. These characteristics apply to each level of the Tone Scale. For example, if you were at 3.0 on the Tone Scale, then each of your characteristics are shown in the boxes from left to right at the level of 3.0.
The only mistake you can make in using this chart is to think a person is a higher tone level in one characteristic than he is in another. To do that would be incorrect. The characteristics found on the chart for someone at a particular tone level are those listed in the boxes along a straight line, horizontally from left to right. They do not wander up or down on the chart for that tone level.
Here is how to use the chart. Think of someone you know. Then read the descriptions in the boxes and find one characteristic that you know is true about that person. You know it’s true because you have seen it or observed it. For example, you know someone who talks of death and destruction all the time. You look for that description on the chart and see that under column 10 “Speech: Talks,” at the tone level of 1.5 (Anger), it says “Talks of death and destruction only. Hate.” You can then read the boxes to the left and right, at the same level of the box you found, and they will tell you more about that person.
Any person can have happy days or sad days and receive good news or bad news. Whenever things like this happen, the person can be temporarily moved up or down in tone on the chart.
Let’s take the example of a person who is bored with life. He is at the tone level of 2.5 (Boredom). Then he is invited to go to the beach with friends and, almost at once, he moves up the Tone Scale to 3.5 (Strong Interest). He is happy for the day. But when he gets back home, he has nothing to do and his tone level can drop back into Boredom as he just sits on the couch and watches television.
Now let’s say this bored man gets a job doing something he always wanted to do. The new job changes his tone level for a longer period of time. He gets up every morning and is very happy to go to work. He talks to people he works with and gets to meet new people. This new way of life keeps him at a higher level on the Tone Scale for a longer period of time. He could get angry or sad or bored during the day, but that does not last long as he has his job that he likes and it brings him back up to 3.5 (Strong Interest). So there is an average level of behavior for each person and that is what you look for when reading this chart. Anyone can get angry for a short period. But someone who is at 1.5 (Anger) on the Tone Scale is at that level day and night.
Just as a person has an average tone level, so also does a family or a group of people that he is part of have an average tone. The tone level of the people around you can affect your own tone.
For example, a man who is at 2.5 (Boredom) can begin to act like a person at 1.1 (Unexpressed Resentment) or 1.1 (Fear) if he found himself in a group of dishonest people who were fighting and doing bad things.
If you live or work in an environment that has a low tone level, you could expect eventually to become low-toned yourself. This is also true of marriage—a person tends to match the tone level of his or her marriage partner.
You can use the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation to predict another person’s behavior by spotting where he is on the chart and then looking at all the boxes of his characteristics. You will then know what to expect of him.
You can also use this chart when hiring a person to work for you or starting a relationship with someone. You can find out what to expect and, knowing what to expect, you can predict that person’s behavior before you do anything further with him.
The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation additionally gives you a prediction on what can happen to you when you are in certain areas or are around certain people. You will know if they will drag you down or boost you up on the Tone Scale.
The Tone Scale is an incredibly valuable tool for use in living and working with others. Use it to help you in your life.