How to Find a Third Party
A Third Party is a person who creates trouble between two people, a person and a group, or a group and another group by spreading false information.
The object of the investigation is to find out who has been spreading false reports in order to create conflicts between people or groups. To find a Third Party, you have to ask those who are having the conflict questions like this:
- Have you been told you were disliked, disapproved of or in trouble?
- What was said?
- Who said it?
- Have you been told someone was bad?
- What was said?
- Who said it?
- Have you been told someone was doing wrong?
- What was said?
- Who said it?
- Have you been told a group was bad?
- What was said?
- Who said it?

You should only ask about the area in which you are trying to find the Third Party. For example, in your questionnaire, you would ask, “On your job, have you been told you were disliked, disapproved of or in trouble?” or “In your marriage, ______?” or “In this family, ______?” etc.
A question might have a lot of answers, so leave plenty of space for the person to answer each question.
You will find that one name appears far more often than the rest.
By following this procedure, you will find out exactly who has been causing conflicts between family members, friends, fellow workers and groups and be able to resolve those conflicts so that they can live and work peacefully.
There has never been a solution for conflicts like this before Scientology. It is the solution to a great many difficulties and problems that have worried men for a long time.