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Condition of Danger

When there is danger in an area, it often has to be handled by the person who is senior (higher in position in a company or organization) not just the person who caused the danger. Therefore, there are two Danger Formulas included here, one for the senior over the area and one for the person involved.

The first formula included here is for the senior to use (such as a senior baker in a café who finds the junior baker keeps ruining the cakes by using the wrong ingredients).

Danger Formula

  1. Bypass (ignore the junior or juniors normally in charge of the activity and handle it personally).

  2. Handle the situation and any danger in it.

    By situation is meant the difficult way that things are at the time, the dangerous circumstances that you are experiencing.

    For example, in the case of the senior baker, he would make the cakes himself so there are cakes to sell.

  3. Tell the juniors or junior that they are in a Danger Condition.

  4. Get each person connected with the Danger Condition to follow the Personal Danger Condition and make sure that they follow the formula completely.

  5. Reorganize the activity so that the situation does not repeat.

  6. Recommend any firm policy (rules or guidelines) that will find and/or prevent the condition from happening again.

A Danger Condition is normally given to a junior or juniors when:

  1. An Emergency Condition has continued too long.

  2. A statistic goes downward very steeply.

  3. A senior executive suddenly finds himself or herself having to personally do the work belonging to the junior staff in charge of the activity because it is in trouble.

Personal Danger Condition Formula

A person uses the Personal Danger Formula himself when:

  • He has applied the Non-Existence Formula and moved up to the Condition of Danger.
  • He is in a situation where there is a risk or possibility of harm or loss to himself or his position, or some area of his life.
  • His personal statistic on his graph is down (more than slightly).

Here is the formula for the Personal Danger Condition.

  1. Bypass habits (usual ways of behaving) or normal routines.

    By bypass is meant here to avoid doing something or do something by using another route or way.

  2. Handle the situation and any danger in it.

  3. Tell yourself that you are in a Danger Condition.

  4. Get in your own personal ethics by finding what you are doing that is not ethical and use personal control to correct it and get honest and straight.

  5. Reorganize your life so that the dangerous situation does not continue to happen to you.

  6. Work out in detail and start to use firm policy (rules or guidelines) that will, in the future, find and prevent the same situation from occurring.

Example of a Personal Danger Condition

Let us say a man was accepting money from his uncle that he said he was buying a house with. And he wasn’t. He was spending it on a girlfriend. Now he is in continuous Danger. His uncle might find out at any moment and the person expects to inherit his uncle’s fortune someday. So he is very worried. Even though he isn’t thinking about it, the worry is still there.

He would have to bypass the habits and normal routines of spending money on things other than the house. In other words he would have to stop accepting that money.

But he would also have to handle the situation and any danger in it. Now it would be very dangerous to write, “Dear Uncle George, for the last year and a half all the money you have been sending me to buy a house with, I have been spending on my girlfriend.”

He would have to work out how to handle that so that there wasn’t any danger in it. And it might take quite a bit of thinking. If he just jumped up and said to his uncle, “Well, I’ve been lying to you, Uncle George. I’ve been wasting all of your money,” the possibility is that it might come as such a shock to Uncle George that he would take him out of his will, and so on. Then he would really be in Danger.

So he would have to figure out how to handle it. And it might be as simple as writing, “Dear Uncle George, I have been getting help with Scientology lately and it is making a more honest man out of me. And there are many dishonest things which I have done in my life and one of them is this. Now you’ll probably shoot me for having done this, but actually I am using this money and I am using some of it to live off. However, it’s not fair to you.”

The next step is, “Tell yourself that you are in a Danger Condition.” That is only there because people forget to do it.

And then you “Get in your own personal ethics by finding what you are doing that is not ethical and use personal control to correct it and get honest and straight.”

Now there might be some other Uncle Georges and he still has got to handle his girlfriend. Even though he might have handled his uncle, there might be some more people to handle.

The next step is, “Reorganize your life so that the dangerous situation does not continue to happen to you.” And in this made-up example of Uncle George, he would simply knock it off (stop) as far as spending all his money on his girlfriend was concerned and instead of being up all night, every night, actually get some sleep and do his job and become valuable. That’s a reorganization of it.

And then, “Work out in detail and start to use firm policy (rules or guidelines) that will, in the future, find and prevent the same situation from occurring.” In other words he decides, “I’m not going to tell lies so I can get money,” or something like that. It would be all the person would have to decide.

It is like a New Year’s resolution (a decision that a person makes at the beginning of a new year to do something or to stop doing something). People don’t usually keep their New Year’s resolutions because they didn’t get in the first five steps. You are actually asking the person at this point to change and improve their ways.

NOTE: In order to continue, you must complete all previous steps in this course. Your last incomplete step is
NOTE: You had several answers that were incorrect. In order to continue, you should re-read the article and then test your understanding again.